Noah age 8 -Oct 2009

Noah age 8 -Oct 2009

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New study claims 83 autism cases caused by vaccinations -

New study claims 83 autism cases caused by vaccinations -

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Few More Art Pieces from Noah

A Pack of Dragons Noah made March 2011

Noah Made this in April 2011, He says it's "Giant Octopus" I am guessing that it's the Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The First Recount of a Day!!!!

Can you believe it? My son who normally will just "parrot" the last word you said actually told me what he did after he got off the school bus Friday, I have asked him everyday he's gone to school since he started when he was 2 years old, "Noah, how was your day? What did you do today in school?" and every day I received "school" as an answer. Well, knock me over with a feather when I asked him yesterday, "Noah, how was your day? What did you do today in school?" with a HUGE GRIN he replies, "Dinosaurs and Animals". Yes he did. He went to the B.Y.U. Natural Arts Exhibit and Dinosaur Museum. What a wonderful feeling that was.

Although a couple of hours later he couldn't recall what he did he could only "parrot" me but that is ok. HE did it. He did it for one day. That in itself is miracle.

Another first this year Noah is trying desperately to figure out how to make friends. It scares me because he's so passive that I am afraid someone would try and "dominate" over him. What do I mean by that? hmmm. Ok easier said I guess this way, I worry my son will be "bullied". I would come unglued. How do I protect him but yet let me explore friendships and other social activities with out being one of those freaky-over-controlling-over-barring-mothers?

I am headed into unfamiliar waters and someone stole my paddle.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Set Backs.

Well, I have to apologize for not keeping this more updated. A lot has happened matter of fact so much I can only re-cap on a few things.

Unfortunately, Noah is back in pull ups. Not sure what triggered this but he's having a really bad time with the bathroom. Matter of fact he was in the hospital a month ago because he was so backed up that it was very dangerous. But we are dealing with it and it's one step at a time.

We also had an appointment with the Social Security Psychologist to verify that Noah was actually Autistic and to see how Autistic he really is. When the Doctor asked Noah, "Noah, how many legs does a dog have?" Noah replied, "Ruff ruff"... I wanted to die laughing. I told her that I could see if I could get him to answer and she told me "NO, because I don't know what you have rehearsed with him". The one thing you need to know about Noah is there is no rehearsing.

So anyway, Last month we decided he needed some animal therapy so we purchased 6 baby chicks (all egg laying hens) one for each member of the family with an extra to spare. This so far was extremely entertaining because for the first 2 weeks Noah had to sleep next to the cage every night and of course made the "Dede" camp out with him. I am happy to announce they are finally in their Chicken condo outside. We will see how well Noah does helping me take care of them.

Anyway, I will post some more of Noah's art he's getting better and better everyday. I hope all is well in your world. Take Care.